The truth about what has happened at a developmentally appropriate level.
As normal a routine as is possible under the circumstances – structure helps children to feel safe and in control.
An opportunity to remember – share memories with others.
A listening ear and willingness to listen to the child’s story of loss over and over and over again – if it’s too hard for the parent, allow another trusted adult to support the child in this way.
Usually children need a little extra touching and holding during these times.
Permission to feel whatever they feel – even permission to feel happy – It’s hard to do this when you live in a household that is sad. Be intentional about giving your child permission to take breaks from their grief.
Physical exercise and outlets to release the anxiety and tension of the grief.
Opportunities to do things they do well and feel really good about – self-esteem often suffers during grief. Lots of rest. Grief is exhausting even for children and adolescents.
Information about the changes that are or will be happening as a result of this loss.
A chance to tell you what they need.
Friends who will treat them just like they did before this happened.